No Mod Provided

When using PBO Tools, it's essential to supply the application with a mod folder to initiate the packing process. If you encounter the error message:

"No mod provided. Please drag and drop a mod folder onto PBO Tools to begin."

This indicates that no mod folder has been detected by PBO Tools upon attempted operation.

How to Resolve the Error

To resolve this error and successfully pack your mod, follow these simple steps:

  1. Locate Your Mod Folder:

    • Ensure that your mod folder is properly prepared and located within your P Drive. This folder should contain all the necessary files that you intend to pack into a PBO.

  2. Drag and Drop the Mod Folder:

    • Simply drag the mod folder from your P Drive and drop it onto the PBO Tools application icon. This action will initiate the packing process.

What Happens Next?

Once you have dragged and dropped your mod folder onto PBO Tools, the application will recognize the mod and proceed with the options you have set, such as obfuscation, compression, and other settings defined in your Settings.json file. Make sure your settings are correctly configured to match your needs.

For any questions or assistance, please contact our support team.

Last updated