Invalid Path

During the process of packing mods with PBO Tools, it's crucial to ensure that your mod folder is located correctly. If you receive the error message:

"Invalid path. Please drag and drop a mod folder located at the root of a drive. For example, P:\ or C:\"

This indicates that the mod folder was not located in an appropriate root directory.

Understanding the Error

The "Invalid path" error occurs when the mod folder is nested within subdirectories that are not directly accessible from the root of a drive. For instance, a path like P:\MyMods\Testing\ModNameis too deep and not directly at the root, which leads to this error.

How to Correct the Error

To fix this error and proceed with packing your mod, you need to relocate your mod folder to the root of the drive. Here’s how:

  1. Identify the Correct Location:

    • Your mod folder should be directly under the root directory of your drive. The path should look something like P:\ModName or C:\ModName, where ModName is the name of your mod.

  2. Move Your Mod Folder:

    • Relocate your mod folder from its current location to the root of the drive. For example, move P:\MyMods\Testing\ModNameto P:\ModName.

  3. Retry Packing:

    • After moving your mod folder to the correct location, drag and drop it onto the PBO Tools application icon again. This should resolve the path issue and allow the packing process to commence without errors.

For any questions or assistance, please contact our support team.

Last updated