Log Files

PBO Tools generates detailed log files to aid in debugging, tracking configuration details, and understanding the behavior of the software during operation. These logs are essential for both routine checks and troubleshooting issues that may arise during the use of PBO Tools.

Location of Log Files

Log files are automatically saved to:

Documents\SIX Software\PBO Tools\Logs

This directory will contain various log files, each documenting different sessions or aspects of the software's operation.

Contents of Log Files

The log files in PBO Tools are comprehensive and include a wide range of information:

  • Subscription Details: Log files record subscription status, including expiry dates and relevant subscription information, which can be useful for managing your PBO Tools license.

  • Update Status: Logs will indicate whether PBO Tools is up to date or if an update is required, helping to ensure that you are always using the latest version of the software.

  • Binarization Information: Details about the binarization process, including warnings and other information.

  • Included Files: The logs list all files that have been included in your PBO. This can help verify that all necessary components of your mod are being packed correctly.

  • Obfuscation: For users with a Professional Edition subscription, the logs will also detail changes to strings, variables, classes, and other elements that are part of the obfuscation processes.

  • Error Messages: Any errors encountered during the operation of PBO Tools are logged, providing vital clues for troubleshooting and resolving issues.

For any questions or assistance, please contact our support team.

Last updated