Packing a PBO

Packing a PBO with PBO Tools streamlines the process of preparing your mod for Workshop deployment. Here’s how you can utilize PBO Tools to pack and obfuscate your mods effectively:

  1. Initiate Packing:

    • Drag the mod folder from your P drive directly onto the PBO Tools application. This action will open a dialog with various options for packing and obfuscating your PBO.

  2. User Interaction:

    • You will be prompted with options regarding the packing process. To confirm an action, press 'Y' or 'Enter'. If you wish to decline an option, press 'N'.

  3. Available Options for All Users:

    • Enable PBO Obfuscation: All users have the option to enable basic PBO obfuscation, which adds a layer of security by obscuring the structure and contents of the PBO file.

  4. Additional Options for Professional Edition Subscribers:

    • If you have a Professional Edition subscription and have enabled PBO Obfuscation, you will be presented with two additional obfuscation options:

      • Enable Code Obfuscation: This option further secures your mod by obfuscating the source code, making it difficult to reverse-engineer.

      • Enable Comment Removal: Opting for this will remove comments from the code.

These features are designed to provide varying levels of security and optimization based on your subscription level and specific needs. By leveraging these options, you can ensure your mods are packed securely and ready for Workshop distribution.

For any questions or assistance, please contact our support team.

Last updated