Invalid Config Syntax

When configuring PBO Tools through the Settings.json file, it's crucial to maintain proper JSON syntax to ensure the application functions correctly. If you encounter the error message:

"Config file is invalid. Reverting to default settings."

This indicates that there was a syntax error in your Settings.json file, which has prevented PBO Tools from reading the configuration correctly.

How to Correct the Error

To address this issue and prevent potential disruptions in using PBO Tools, follow these steps:

  1. Automatic Restoration:

    • PBO Tools will automatically detect the syntax error and revert the Settings.json file to its default settings. This automatic restoration helps prevent further issues and ensures that PBO Tools continues to operate without interruption.

  2. Review and Re-Edit:

    • Open the newly created default Settings.json file. Carefully re-introduce your desired settings, ensuring that you maintain valid JSON syntax. Use a JSON validator tool if necessary to check for errors before saving the file.

For any questions or assistance, please contact our support team.

Last updated