Formula too complex

Understanding the "Formula Too Complex" Error

The "Formula Too Complex" error occurs in DayZ when the string obfuscation feature of PBO Tools is enabled, and there are too many strings being obfuscated within a single file. Although the exact limit imposed by DayZ is not known, this error indicates that the obfuscation process has exceeded the allowable complexity for a single file.

How to Resolve the Error

To resolve the "Formula Too Complex" error and ensure your mod functions correctly, follow these steps:

Step 1: Obfuscate Your Mod

  1. Run your mod through the code obfuscation process in PBO Tools.

  2. Ensure that string obfuscation is enabled during this step.

Step 2: Re-run Without PBO Obfuscation

  1. After the initial obfuscation, take the code-obfuscated mod folder.

  2. Re-run this folder through PBO Tools, but this time, disable PBO obfuscation. This step allows you to see the correct paths and isolate the issue.

Step 3: Identify the Issue

  1. Look for the specific line number causing the "Formula Too Complex" error.

  2. Once identified, add //skip to the end of the line. This comment will prevent the line from being string obfuscated.

Step 4: Repeat as Necessary

  1. Repeat the process of re-running the mod and adding //skip comments until the error is resolved.

  2. Ensure that each time the error appears, the specific line causing the issue is addressed.

For any questions or assistance, please contact our support team.

Last updated