Signing PBOs

PBO Tools Professional Edition provides a feature for signing PBO files, which is essential for verifying the authenticity and integrity of mods, especially when distributing them on platforms like the Steam Workshop. The signing process involves using a private key to generate a signature that accompanies the PBO file.

Configuration for Signing Keys

To enable PBO signing, you need to specify the location of your private key file in the Settings.json file, which can be found at:

Documents\SIX Software\PBO Tools\Settings.json

In the Settings.json file, you'll find an option SigningKeyLocation which should be set to the path of your .biprivatekey file. Here's how to correctly set up this path:

  • Example Setting:

    "SigningKeyLocation": "C:\\Users\\Nick\\Documents\\SigningKeys\\naps.biprivatekey"

Please note that since this is a JSON file, you must use double backslashes (\\) in file paths to ensure they are correctly interpreted.

Signing Process

If you have a Professional Edition subscription and the SigningKeyLocation is properly configured (i.e., not empty), you will have the option to sign your PBO files:

  1. Triggering the Signing Option:

    • When packing a PBO, if the above conditions are met, you will be prompted with the option to sign the PBO.

  2. Confirming the Signing:

    • Press 'Enter' or 'Y' to confirm signing the PBO.

  3. Post-Signing:

    • Once signed, the PBO is ready for distribution and can be uploaded to the Steam Workshop.

For any questions or assistance, please contact our support team.

Last updated