Invalid Credentials

When using PBO Tools, your login information is securely encrypted and stored to facilitate automatic authentication. However, if you encounter the error message:

"Invalid credentials, would you like to delete them and log in again?"

This indicates that there's an issue with the decryption or integrity of the credentials stored in the Credentials.json file, which may have become corrupted or altered.

Understanding the Error

PBO Tools encrypts your username and password using AES-256 encryption and stores this data in the Credentials.json file located at:

AppData\Local\SIX Software\PBO Tools - DayZ Obfuscator

Here is an example of how the encrypted data might appear in the file:

  "Username": "dcclNVHGByciZz8sACpuGyZhgWzD5OIdbpQoxVfv1/4=",
  "Password": "gccMKvucZU/Fkrdz/AKPYq30t7cseZWTwoPRzyQVAI6TfHCt\u002BaGO/zP78s2h8KbAl\u002BYbqLhvfps4tM\u002B0BbGSEubLrIckOrDlb6eEbCcF2O/BrQPWaBH08zzAcYbosr6l"

If this information becomes corrupted or if manual changes are made to the file, PBO Tools will not be able to decrypt and authenticate your credentials correctly, leading to the "Invalid credentials" error.

How to Resolve the Error

To fix this issue and regain access to PBO Tools, you can follow these steps:

  1. Prompt for Deletion:

    • When the error occurs, PBO Tools will prompt you to delete the corrupted Credentials.json file.

  2. Confirm Deletion:

    • To proceed with fixing the error, press 'Enter' or 'Y' when prompted. This action will delete the current Credentials.json file, which contains the invalid encrypted credentials.

  3. Re-Login:

    • After deleting the file, you will need to log in again. Enter your username and password so that PBO Tools can encrypt the data anew and create a new Credentials.json file with valid credentials.

For any questions or assistance, please contact our support team.

Last updated