
PBO Tools can be tailored to meet your specific needs using the Settings.json file. This configuration file allows you to adjust various settings that control how PBO Tools operates and handles your projects. You can find this file located in your system at: Documents\SIX Software\PBO Tools\Settings.json

Below is the current structure of the Settings.json file, which you can modify according to your requirements.

  "Version": "1.5", // Version control. Do not change
  "Configuration": {
    "SelectedGame": "DayZ", // Do not change, reserved for future use
    "BinarizeLocation": "Temp", // Temporary location for model binning, requires PBO Tools Professional Edition
    "PBOOutputLocation": "P:\\Output\\", // Location where the PBO will be saved, requires PBO Tools Professional Edition
    "SigningKeyLocation": "" // Path to your private key for signing, requires PBO Tools Professional Edition
  "NotificationSettings": {
    "NotifyOnErrors": true, // Enables a five-beep notification when an error occurs
    "NotifyOnSuccess": true, // Enables a single-beep notification when an action is successful
    "DisplayWarnings": true // Enables display of warnings
  "Updates": {
    "CheckForUpdates": true // Enables automatic check for updates on PBO Tools launch
  "ExclusionLists": {
    "ExcludeFromPBO": [ // List of folders and files to exclude from being added to your PBO
    "ExcludeFromCompression": [ // List of file extensions to exclude from compression
  "PBOSettings": {
    "BinarizeModels": true, // Enables binarization of MLOD models, requires PBO Tools Professional Edition
    "BinarizeConfigs": true, // Enables binarization of configs from config.cpp to config.bin
    "CompressPBO": true, // Enables compression of the PBO
    "JunkFiles": true, // Adds junk files to the obfuscated PBO
    "CrashUnpackers": true, // Intentionally crashes DayZ deobfuscators
    "ScrambleScriptPaths": true, // Scrambles the paths of scripts to obfuscate their location
    "UseWindowsGUIDs": false, // Adds Windows GUIDs to paths
    "InvalidFileExtensions": true, // Renames files to have invalid Windows extensions such as NULL, COM, etc.
    "ComplexPaths": true, // Adds long, complex Unicode characters to paths
    "IncludeNonVisibleChars": true, // Includes Unicode paths with invisible characters
    "ObfuscateClasses": true, // Obfuscates class names, requires PBO Tools Professional Edition
    "ObfuscateFunctions": true, // Obfuscates functions, requires PBO Tools Professional Edition
    "ObfuscateTypes": true, // Obfuscates types, requires PBO Tools Professional Edition
    "ObfuscateVariables": true, // Obfuscates variables, requires PBO Tools Professional Edition
    "ObfuscateStrings": true, // Obfuscates strings, requires PBO Tools Professional Edition
    "EnableTypeDefs": false // Enables defining strings, variables, functions, etc., requires PBO Tools Professional Edition

Many advanced features listed in the configuration settings require a PBO Tools Professional Edition subscription. These features include, but are not limited to, advanced obfuscation techniques, model binarization, and the ability to sign PBO files. To access these enhanced capabilities, you can purchase a subscription at This subscription will enable you to fully leverage the power of PBO Tools, enhancing your projects' security and efficiency.

For any questions or assistance, please contact our support team.

Last updated